

in less than 4 hours, a disjointed dream seemed infinite / scenes are in no specific order because I am unsure
_scene A_ the backyard of my childhood home / moms small pond now covers half of the yard / the 5 koi fish in the depth are over six feet long / one by one, fish slide toward me, from the depth, through the shallow, like shamu / towards me, like it's trying to get me / recedes back, in out, in out, they try again and again / now there's a seal coming out at me / it waddles through the shallow toward me, keeps coming / I back into the back door, close it / the seal is at the glass, barking with teeth
_scene B_ Nathan is sleeping over in my childhood room / he craftily utilizes scraps of foam and cardboard for a makeshift bed
_scene C_ my sister has friends over, a variety of foreigners and a midget
_scene D_ I am raking through soil / I am planting a large area of grass
_scene E_ I am at the counter, purcharing gardening supplies at an all night surplus store / I sneak off to explore "staff only" warehouse, it is vast with many rooms / I am caught, I am to be escorted out, I follow security guard through warehouse / we are sit-sliding the distance instead of walking / I assume some special position involving contortion and grabbing my ankles / I am now faster and pass him up
_scene F_ looking across many cluttered shelves in some high-end cultural trinket store / countless painted voodoo animals and statues of poly-gods / walls are dense with shelves, shelves are dense with trinkets, too many to focus on / vertical merchandising sections change themes as I move along / next was an africanesque section, a juxtaposition was humorous
_scene G_ at some party I see a platonic friend who I shouldn't have these feelings for / I see another close friend I once fell for, who is now married / I introduce them, and they start passionately making out, as if of cue / the husband who is now my friend, behaves unfamiliarly, like a meathead / he shows crudely done tattoos on his chest of tribal masks / he likes the crude masks on his right side better than the crisp tribal designs on his left
_scene H_ something about the street
_scene I_ something about the basement
_scenes J-Z_ I know there was so much more, all in less than 4 hours / there was this feeling-tone that tied dissimilar scenes together / the chronology seemed scrambled in the dream, but it still felt natural / like all the scenes were synchronous, yet codependent


  1. hmm... your subconscious is overloading you with blatant messages, so it seems. But is it really? I have read that dreams are things that you think about/brain fires right before you fall asleep. Perhaps, especially with the platonic female friend and the married female friend, you are thinking of relationships that never were, that perhaps could have been... and there is an animosity toward the married female's husband. Psychotic 'Artist', in assuming you're an artist, it would be easy to see disdain for someone through their work instead or in place of their personality. (or in addition since you said he was a 'meathead'). As if the fact that his tattoos were crudely done, you have one-uped him in terms of artistic brilliance or creative multitude.

    Can these scenes be interchangeable? If you could write them on separate index cards and create your own dream narrative through random synchronization?

    I would like to see an animated .gif posted of you sit-sliding please.

    Are you overwhelmed by the countless amount of organized religions and other gods etc? Both 'extinct'/classic religions to modern day seem to be present in your mind, through the trinket store you're visiting in your dream. You describe it as a place that is very cluttered and the shelves are so dense with trinkets (that you describe to be voodoo animals and statues of poly gods etc.) that you cannot focus.

    Your sister has many dream made foreigners and midgets. What are your thoughts on immigration? Do you have any foreign friends?

    Maybe you should be a landscaper.

  2. HOGWASH!! YOU DON'T KNOW ME CREEP! BLASPHEME! I CURSE YOUR LINEAGE! DON'T YOU KNOW?! I AM A TRUE PSYCHOTIC! EVERY BRAIN WAVE IS A PORTAL TO HELL!!! (i am now levitating naked, shaking my fists, while these letters appear in the text field, no one can see, I am alone with many spirits)
