

this may sound like contrived bullsht, but I am an artist who primarily studies the Jungian concept of individuation, and integrates introspectionally motivated psychological exercises into my existence. Some of these may involve specifically articulating in writing, my reactions to certain taboo stimulus words or ideas. Like word association tests, in that they sometimes consist of immediate Turretsesque / Freudian slippish, archetypal spearheads piercing the membrane between awareness and beyond. Sometimes like a linear trajectory stream of conscious blend of intention and intuition, in which each word added may confound the theme, potentially redirecting the river to erode the weakest land. Like a game of Russian roulette with a ratio of 5 benigns to 1 trip to the unknown. You can only find the diamonds when you dig into the middle of the mountain. You must erode the self to find the soul.


  1. what is it that your REALLY looking for?????

  2. transcendence or clairvoyance though some rationally unattainable unification of my consciousness, my personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. to exist in a nirvana state. an inner peace that moves like a hurricane. an all powerful inner creative force that creates the ground I walk on, so life is like an endless lucid dream.

  3. your hiding something...What is it that your really looking for.

  4. its unkown wether the precession of simulacra will make you sane. i hope to develop a religion based off of the precession. much like scientology with its guru: l ron hubbard. jean baudrillard is an alien scent to lead us into the new reality

  5. what do you know about me that I don't know?! say it! say it! I need to hear it!!!
