

I checked out your blog. I certainly see no reason you shouldn't pursue this blog writing racket. I realize that the audience of MY blog could (sometimes) only be only myself. For me, there is something I learn from articulating my inner experience into words, and there is some warmth in the potential that some other individual could care enough to actually read. This potential itself is worth the price of clicking the "post" button on your blog site. These are notes in bottles sailing into eternity :) ...geez, i am a corny fellow... Whenever you feel like expressing yourself, DO IT. It is our duty to break the SILENCE that fuels "THE MAN'S" ability to suppress and control. We are CO-CREATORS of reality. As individuals we are but one of a field of candles and culture is the wind that makes us seem the same until all individualities perish as merged into an inferno. ...whoah.. write on sister WRITE ON ! ! !

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