

it was like a foul rock video, all of humanity clinging to a multi-tiered cliff face, weaving arms and legs together so the many became a single mass against the wind and the luring tongues of flame, a squirming slug that clings to the shaken apple, "look, another of the smallest squeezed through the net!" another single of the total is swallowed by oblivion, lost beyond the search, floating, like a bubble within crystal, refracting the sun into a laser thread, a glowing razor wire refracted into a dense mesh, the mass approaches, moves through, becomes many again.


  1. hey man! i painted my car!
    it's the caution car...you'll see.

  2. painted your car, with paint from a jar? maybe camo for war? but what could be worse? flat black like a herse? you wouldn't be the first. maybe a fantasy scape with a mythological beast? or faux bird crud? or rust from the flood? or slatters of blood? that would be fun.
