

I would LIKE to take my mobile art presentation booth/white pedestal/"booth of shame" out into the streets for an encounter with the public. This act will take a tremendous amount of courage (or permitted naivete?). I am uncertain that I will be able to achieve the mental constitution necessary to do this during this semester.  My present lack of resolve is primarily due to our 1st year MFA show. I will be engaging in a month-long performative act throughout the duration of the show. I would like to try to sell you on the idea of accepting this as my 2nd solo performance for class. My space in the gallery is being used as a research station to analyze my creative activities outside of the gallery walls. I compared the galleries "open" hours to my overlapping academic schedule so that I could determine how much time I can actually spend IN the gallery. I am going to be spending 15 scheduled hours a week in my gallery space, wearing my lap coat, creating a time log and matrix of life-data onto a massive wall surface. I will be analyzing video and journal documentation of the creative life I live outside of the gallery. The parameters of this exploration are purposefully "loose" at this stage, so that the project is free to find it's own direction. I will do some sort of presentation during our class-time, in the active gallery space. I hope that you come visit me in the gallery during the month!

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