

I found a postcard hidden in the bottom of my mailbox. It was postmarked "13 FEB". The front of the postcard has a smiling man in a golden suit, wearing a golden hard hat with a giant pencil eraser sticking out of the top. He is seated and smiling while holding a floopy basset hound on his lap as he turns away from the cardboard spaceship's window for this quick snapshot. Someone scribbled a beard and glasses onto the guy! The other side of the card says...
"I'm in Florida NOW! It's great the
weather is nice and WARM. The
only thing I have to worry about is
workin on my TAN!! yesterday I
went to Disney World Whoooo!
I totally BARFed up my Mickey
burger on the Teacups! I am going
to see how many hermit CRABZ I
can Fit on my Suit CASE Before I
leave! Waffle House Everyday! I
Don't know if I am comin Home"
Matilda... was that YOU?! Sendin' me silly cards to further warp my fragile mind?! I never meant to spook you across the sea! I done wrong. Please come back to our sorry townne. My heart's just a clogged toilet without the Draino of your love.


  1. Whatever happened to Matilda?? I haven't heard from her in awhile! I hope she doesn't end up like Clementine!

  2. clementine has the potential of levitation and teleportation to beyond anything, while matilda can merely hide behind a sea, matilda rides the rides and barfs the barf, clementine is not only the rider, but the barf, the ride, the carnival, the earth, and beyond, all matilda has to do is give up her name and she would be eternal, omniscient, and
